Like all of us, Michaux has been affected by what’s going on in the world today. His new record, “What’s Going On … Still …” deals with all the same issues Marvin did 39 years ago. Interestingly, not much has changed. We still have perpetuating wars, lack of jobs, deadly oil spills, poverty all over the world and this makes us all want to holler, or at least it should.

This music was recorded LIVE in England using vintage microphones and analog tape. No retakes, no computer magic here. This is real musicians playing together the way musicians used to play together before digital and computers. Many years ago, musicians and singers played and sang together in a room all at the same time and the engineer captured these moments and froze them in time. These are some of your favorite Soul and Jazz records from the 60s and 70s.

This is the Michaux experience. Enjoy!